Is Cloud Automation Increasing the Risk of Cyber Attacks?


Cloud computing is becoming one of the most useful technologies in the modern world, but it also carries a lot of risks and threats to your saved data. Undoubtedly, big business houses and IT giants are investing their money and resources in discovering newer ways to adopting automation in their cloud servers to make things easier, cheaper, and faster, however, the fact that cannot be denied is – the experiments are moving your cyber security closer to threats and attacks that might lead to serious data compromise.

If you have never heard about cloud automation, then read below to know how it can become one of the greatest threats for your PC security centres and can ruin the entire safety and firewalls you have installed to avail enhanced protections against modern threats.

What is Cloud Automation?
Any automation tasks aims at delivering swift, easy, and streamlined performance to ensure that the desired task gets completed with lesser complexities, hassles, and errors. Working on the same principle, the cloud automation process results in helps an organization in becoming more agile and improve its security layers to ensure that the enterprise networks gets a protective shield across its attack surface. However, most of the IT researchers and risk, governance and compliance teams in business houses claim that adopting this method results in creating new vulnerabilities and enhancing business risks in a dynamic and complex IT environment.

What are the Common Threats That May Snoop In With Automation?
Every organization may have a different set of processes and projects that can assist them in easy migration to the cloud by maintaining optimal privacy of their security operation centre. Once the setup is in right position, most of the business prefers to move their individual business activities, projects, and applications to cloud for ensuring full utilization of the platform.

Since automation requires cloud strategy and drivers, it becomes important get a hold on core vulnerabilities and risks that should get addressed immediately to protect the cloud environment from being compromised. Following are some of the key factors that should be addresses on priority while performing cloud automation tasks:

• Automating cloud access may lead to threats against protection of privileged accounts and credentials

• Access rights may get impacted, if the server gets compromised

• Cloud management consoles are prone to phishing attacks, thus, automating the same could lead to several cyber-attacks by numerous attackers

• Difficulties in managing enterprise’s cloud-based infrastructure

• Enhanced protection for API keys, assigned application credentials, and cloud secrets to ensure optimal safety during and post automation gets completed.

In summary, automation of clouds may increase instances of cyber-attacks, vulnerabilities and malware attacks, resulting in compromising the security of business servers and data. Therefore, every crucial factor should be taken into consider before taking decision in favour or against of cloud automation.

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